BERKSHIRE COUNTY MAKES ART WORK is an initiative of Dr. Lisa Donovan, a professor at MCLA. Lisa is dedicated to promoting arts integration in the Berkshires, leveraging the region's rich cultural assets. She co-authored a series of books on integrating arts across various subjects, emphasising the importance of using arts to deepen learning experiences. Lisa Donovan highlights the impact of arts integration on student engagement and understanding, providing practical strategies for educators. She stresses that arts are not supplementary but essential to education, especially considering the abundant cultural resources in Berkshire County. Lisa encourages collaboration among educators and cultural organisations to enhance accessibility to arts education for all students in the region. She offers free online resources for educators and envisions Berkshire County as a hub for innovative arts education.
We worked on several other design projects, including the Berkshire County Blueprint for Arts Integration and Education.

The image above shows one of my first logo design drafts, and also my favourite option.
Dynamic shapes, bright colours, and a sense of movement create a vibrant representation of the organisation's goals and objectives: collaboration, inclusion, and education through arts.

The above image shows the logo option selected by the client.